A lot of what I make can be considered pretty weird. A startling revelation, I’m sure.
But when is it appropriate to be weird? And what even is ‘weird’?
Read MoreBelow is an archive of blog-posts and articles published by todolaMEDIA. After a brief hiatus due to an injury there will be at least one article every other Monday published here for all of 2022. These will be on a variety of topics of primarily of interest to animators, designers, filmmakers, and other creative-types. Along with that any announcements or behind-the-scenes content for todolaMEDIA related projects will be shared here.
… Unless I forget to hit publish—it’s happened before.
If you’d be interested in writing for us please send us an email and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!
A lot of what I make can be considered pretty weird. A startling revelation, I’m sure.
But when is it appropriate to be weird? And what even is ‘weird’?
Read MoreIt has been a while since I last sat down and published a blog-post like this. As it turns out a crippling injury in your dominant hand will do that to you. Many long months of waiting and physio later though and todolaMEDIA is back and worse better than ever!
Read MoreI’ve been thinking about something recently.
There’s many styles and approaches that one could take when writing one, particularly a less personal one like this…
Read MoreSince at least as far back as Walt Disney’s “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” in 1937 we’ve seen depictions of evil rulers in animation. In fact, the idea of an cartoon villain who doubles as the evil king or queen is pretty cliché at this point. So that got me thinking… how realistic are these evil rulers?
Read MoreEver since first reading David Allen’s “Getting Things Done” I've been writing down my all my goals. And these goals are been something I’ve put a lot of time and consideration into. Being tasked to write down a list of them was thus an interesting chance for me to also reflect on the fourth, and in my experience one of the most important types of goal to write down.
Read MoreWhen I first began doing graphic design my designs looked nothing like they do today. In 2014 I had a task to create a layout for a (fake) multimedia magazine. I had to produce everything from scratch, including coming up with a name. I first came up with something basic, I was going to call it “Everything Media Magazine.” Then I thought that perhaps I might try something a little more playful.
Read MoreBack in September I started my third and final year at University (technically my fourth, but let’s not get into that right now). One of the more peculiar modules I had was one called “Animation & Stop Motion Futures and Destinations”, a module about introspection and planning for my future career, with an early task really jumped out at me: a blog-post about our goals.
Read MoreIn short: Starting tomorrow there will be a blog update every two weeks under the name cadaDOSsemanas.
In long: Well, you’ll have to read the blog post.
Read MoreDuring the development of this I was putting together a lovely behind-the-scenes video that was intended to release alongside it.
Unfortunately, much like the film itself, this video was subject to massive project bloat and I kept adding newer and newer things to it. On top of this while editing for La Niña de los Fósforos I realised that I didn't have nearly enough practice using After Effects and well, this seemed like the perfect project to try and learn some new tricks.
Whch why I am now finally proud to present: "THE MAKING OF: La Niña de los Fósforos (The Little Match Girl)"
Read MoreIt’s finally out! After countless hours of tireless work todolaMEDIA is proud to present “La Niña de los Fósforos” the first full short film released by todolaMEDIA.
Read MoreToday todolaMEDIA is proud to announce “La Niña de los Fósforos” the upcoming short film animated and produced by Reece Morgado scheduled for public release on the 28th of June…
Read MoreA little under three years ago this website underwent a massive change in its look, and appearance. Something I'm not retroactively calling the *todola.media website 2.0*. Today though it is once again out with the old and in with the new with our lovely new site update!
Read MoreAnnouncing… My Digital Sketchbook! […] This digital sketchbook will contain all of my speed and life drawings on top of any doodles I happen to jot down in these books.
Read MoreWell... It's certainly been a rough couple of years on todola.media [but] todolaMEDIA and me are back and I will strive to keep this website up-to-date and give frequent updates on all of my work whenever I possibly can.
Read Moretodola.media’s first website overhaul.
Read MoreWhen it all began.
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