website 3.0
A little under three years ago this website underwent a massive change in its look, and appearance. Something I'm not retroactively calling the website 2.0. Today though it is once again out with the old and in with the new with our lovely new site update which you can either see all around you right now or in this lovely screenshot I took of the homepage for when I get bored and change it again:
stupid sexy website
Now I hear you ask:
why should I care about a damn site update that only affects the layout? WHERE'S MY DAMN CONTENT ALREADY?
And the answer to that is very simple.
Right now I'm working hard on a secret project involving fire, matches and paint-on-glass which I'll be posting some behind-the-scenes development of later this week! (Expect the finished project sometime next month, with a little luck!)
And if that's not enough for you I'll also be posting a teaser for a piece of Heroicks-related material since I've been working hard to bring that project closer to a reality. While I can confirm that the real episode one is not currently in production I can assure you that preliminary efforts are being made to settle upon some big changes that are happening to my workflow.
But that's all discussions for the future, in the meantime I'll be taking me leave and getting back to work on my seeeecret project which I'll be updating you all on soon.
Peace ✌️ Reece Morgado, todolaMEDIA