because everyone loves large unfiltered galleries


The following is an assortment of graphic design, digital art, and traditional artwork produced by Reece Morgado. Pieces here date as far back as 2014 and include primarily personal work and projects throughout the years alongside my digital sketchbook project.

I love to create work using very limited and cheap materials and hope to try and keep this project updated and ongoing!

Reece Morgado, todolaMEDIA


Reece Morgado’s Digital Sketchbook Project

In an attempt to build confidence in myself and others I’ve begun sharing all the odd life drawings and doodles that wind up in my sketchbook. While I only update it periodically it’s my goal to make sure that every drawing I do is included here in some way, no matter how rough the piece may be.

Each and every drawing in my sketchbook is a milestone to get me to where I am as an artist, even the many drawings I cringe at today were important steps along my journey to becoming a better artist.