Animation Futures: "Someday-Maybe", Making Basic Goals pt. 2
Reece Morgado here once again, talking more about goals. If you haven’t read the first part where I first mentioned writing and making goals, make sure you do that now! (If you don’t you’ll be tested for your knowledge at the end. It’ll be super embarrassing when you don’t get any of the questions right.)
Ever since first reading David Allen’s “Getting Things Done” I've been writing down my all my goals. And these goals are been something I’ve put a lot of time and consideration into. Being tasked to write down a list of them was thus an interesting chance for me to also reflect on this book.
And so I went back, re-reading his book, while I thought about all my goals. I soon remembered that another important practice had been neglected in this task.
The Fourth Kind of Goal
The fourth, and in my experience one of the most important types of goal to write down. “Someday-maybe” goals are long-term goals that you don’t want to forget. Goals that you need to get out of your head, but aren’t ones that you can realistically devote time to right away.
While I’m slowly working towards all of the long-term goals, I also have a list of “someday-maybe” goals. Goals that while I’d love to do, simply aren’t realistic for me to start working on right now. For me these include things like:
Learning to write music
Writing long-form fictional works.
Designing games and tabletop systems.
Making a bunch more short films.
These goals are currently unrealistic due to the amount of time that they would take away of my current goals. With only twenty-four hours in a day I can’t possibly work on seven different films and other projects all at once. They'd simply never get made.
Here’s some artwork featuring a bunch of characters from a world I’ve always wanted to develop in writing. (Someday, maybe.)
Being Careful and Keeping the Balance
There’s an easy trap to fall into with this thinking though. Life requires balance. A goal for “someday-maybe” should actually happen someday, (maybe.) A lecturer of mine calls these “side hustles.” Essentially a second job on the side. For me currently it’s my work in graphic design and world-building for a tabletop game that I play.
Maintaining a balance in life and not over-dedicating to a single goal or target opens you up to a world of new opportunities. Independently, most of the work I’ve done for people has come out of the silly drawings I made as a joke. While animation has been and will continue to be my main focus, graphic design has allowed me to create my own unique brand.
Originally writing a blog was only a “someday-maybe” goal, yet upon starting what was supposed to be a small task I discovered a passion for writing that I didn’t really know I had and went completely overboard as always.
And perhaps someday someone will notice my blog who wouldn’t have otherwise found my work.
Then it will have more than paid off.
Reece Morgado, todolaMEDIA
Oh and PS: I lied about there being a test. As if I would seriously program a quiz at the end of a blog post to test your knowledge on a previous blog post… but maybe.
But something I didn’t lie about is this week’s edition of…
The Biweekly Recommendation
The Legend of Zodac by William Gannon
I had the pleasure of meeting Will back during my time in Plymouth. His dedication and work ethic always stood out to me as he always seemed to have his hands stuck in some new project.
When I first saw his graduate film I was taken aback by simply how fun it was to watch. It’s a good old comedic romp which harks back to many of the classics of slapstick. And sometimes… that really is just all you want. I won’t spoil the gags or the humour, but I must say that it’s well worth a watch and I can’t wait to see more from Will in the future!