Announcing: "cadaDOSsemanas", a Biweekly Blog.


In short: Starting tomorrow there will be a blog update every two weeks under the name cadaDOSsemanas.

In long:

My name is Reece Morgado, and I made todolaMEDIA.

Branding is important.

And that’s something I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about lately. So, I started reading through several books and online guides on the subject. I also started to think about how to make my brand, born out of my love for animation, puns and Spanish into something more tangible. A module of mine called “Animation & Stop Motion Futures” is giving me the chance to do that.


I first tried to approach this by revisiting my colour scheme. Something I would almost immediately change my mind on; the bizarre and bright colours of todolaMEDIA are a core part of its identity. This isn’t something that I could change on a whim without tens of hours of work and thought.

You can judge my attempt for yourself.

2020-10-22 todolaMEDIA branding test.png

After reading a certain book, I’ve been thinking about how I would describe todolaMEDIA. Then, in a conversation with one of my lecturers, she used a word to describe todolaMEDIA: edgy.

2020-12-13 EDGY-GRAPHIC.png

It’s a word I’d used myself in conversation and to describe other things, but I still ended up dwelling on it. That night I opened up every dictionary online that I could think of, and searched it up.

While the exact definitions changed, several keywords stayed the same. They stuck out to me and resonated deep within my mind. These were the words that stuck with me: bold, intense, provocative, daring and unconventional.

They weren’t perfect yet, but it was a start.

So, I began to contrast this with one of my biggest inspirations in the industry, Klasky Csupo. Most famous for their works on shows like Rugrats, The Simpsons and The Wild Thornberrys.

To me, their animation was always categorised in my mind as ugly and strange, yet charming and unique. It was bold. It was provocative.


Discovering what todolaMEDIA is supposed to be is my starting point. From here I have to make that a reality. And with "Animation & Stop-Motion Futures" providing the perfect excuse, cadaDOSsemanas is now born. A new blog every two weeks, starting tomorrow: Monday the 14th of December 2020 at 12:00.

And my goals are:

Cheeky. Rebellious. Independent. Unconventional. Provocative.

... and Edgy.

Reece Morgado, todolaMEDIA